Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The age old dilemma....I've a free evening, do I finish that scientific paper, or try and wrap my scarf around my head?

Earlier this week I had a brief conversation with a fellow blogger. "Why have you stopped blogging?" I asked the erstwhile blog chum. "I don't feel I have anything to say," came the reply.
It's a good job that there is no such strict criteria enforced here at Tombolablog. There'd be a lot fewer than 116 entries if there was.

Some might say that I should have taken that comment on board, perhaps spending time to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest it. However, instead of reflecting, and maybe realising that I, too, have nothing to say, I've decided to embrace the 'nothing to say' content of most of what's on here by continuing to mine my usual themes. Beginning with a knitting update. My scarf has been 'on the needles' since January 2006. A bit shameful that really. However, it's now long enough to do this, perhaps in preparation for a Himalayan trek:

or this, the arctic combat/woolly ninja look:

Look, it's as big as me! Yes, well done, but isn't it really about time it was finished?


frankien said...

I think its time to cast off!

Tombola said...

Can you repeat that please Munch? My massive title appears to have blocked it!

frankien said...

Oh dear, so it has. I think I said something along the lines of 'you should probably cast off now!'. meaning the scarf, not your blog attempts, obviously.

Gerard said...

At least you've kept going! Someone was in the shop last week with a jumper they started FIFTEEN years ago, and it was still 'on the needle'. Looks good. Sorry we missed your birthday Tom, and our communication is crap so we both thought we'd emailed you bakc. Ooops. Some blighters won 29K on the Eggheads two weeks we have a long wait...are you coming to Trafalgar Square on Monday to play the coconuts?

cp said...

i go out for one night and this is what you do!

Moon said...

Coconut playing? Am intrigued! Prof the scarf looks great. Excellent tension! It is time to let go, though. Start a new project. Then it might be ready for Winter. My crochet has not progressed much lately. Must get back to it. I have a fruitbown full of fine yarns, too!