Monday, December 18, 2006


The battle goes on....CP's arrival in the big city heralded an increase in activity in the war on rodents. We recently had five (count 'em) traps primed and ready in the kitchen: two humane box traps, two spine busting snap traps, and an innovative use of a bucket, a piece of card, and some peanut butter that I thought was a sure-fire winner:

But it was not to be. The mice flatly ignored it, along with the two peanut butter smeared snap traps. Damn them and their evolved intellect!

However, they aren't completely smart. In the space of four days, we caught two of the little b*stards in the humane traps (again baited with peanut butter). They were both taken for a little walk across Brixton and deposited on a patch of grass.

For a short time we started to believe that maybe, just maybe, that was it. But no, a few dropping-free days later, the signs were back. Yeah yeah, perhaps those few days were just the time needed for Chester & Fievel to make their way back to the house. Last night I got angry. And angry meant thinking more inhumanely. I hit upon the following idea: next time we catch one in a humane trap, we could position it directly in front of a snap trap, and then open the humane trap up, giving the unfortunate incumbent two options: starve, or snap. A bit like an animal version of 'Saw'.

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