Saturday, December 09, 2006

If you're having girl problems I feel bad for you son, I got 99 blogs and here's the ton

That's right, 100 blogs. One hundred. What a year it's been. Time for a real life blog party:

Drinks were consumed....

...jokes were shared...

...and a great time was had by all!

As the night wore on, Tombolablog got rather amorous with the toaster. He should watch out, he'll only end up getting burned.

Alas, rather too many drinks were imbibed by Tombolablog, resulting in the inevitable:

Chin chin! x


Anonymous said...


Well at least Tombolablog and the toaster maintained their dignity. I hear the Oven was involved in a shameless roasting session that night.

Congrats on the big 100. Always a top read- I look forward to many many more.


Anonymous said...

Haha - excellent! Many happy returns.

Prof your arm looks like a snooker cue in that second pic. Sure you haven't been over-celebrating with the smack?


Tombola said...

Ha ha ha...hats off with the roasting gag Ak!

Thanks to you both for your continued support there will be much more to follow on here, you can be sure of that.


frankien said...

I do hope that you wiped the keyboard after putting it in such close proximity with the toilet rim.

Lord G said...
