Sunday, July 01, 2007

A day in the hood

Domesticated blog time. Jonze will love this. Today I have:

1. Baked a cake. Blueberry and pear. It's very tasty. I just followed CP's instructions really, but I'm proud of it. Mmm!

2. Measured my sunflowers. Here is what is probably our first entrant in the competition. It is approx. 165cm tall and now that it has a flower I'm guessing that it won't grow much taller. We'll see.

3. Admired my fledgling runner beans. Anyone know any runner bean recipes? I'll hopefully be needing them in the next few weeks.

4. Submitted a paper to Work & Stress (rating: 2.156 Impact Factor fans!).
Readers, watch this space for more action-packed blogs!


Moon said...

Domesticity indeed! The sunflower looks great. I do worry (for you) that you have peaked too early, mind. Mine has months of growth to go (good job, of course).

Could you share the cake? (She resists trying to type in a bad Scottish accent)

frankien said...

Theres so many things I like about your blog items, I don't know where to begin. But most of all, yeah most of all, I like the way you bake.

My sunflowers are catching yours up as well over 100cm now. get in.

Have you cast your scarf off yet? I painstakingly wrote all the instructions for you on my blog so you better had (or I shall call you an ingrate).

Good luck with the paper!