Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lazy 'amusing' foreign shop name blog

You wouldn't find this on a British high would be called 'Scope Coiffure' instead. Hang on, that actually sounds like a trendy hair cuttery. I can imagine Andreas working there.

But just imagine the taunts if you had your hair cut at Spazio's while you were at school! There'd be a picture of Joey Deacon in the window for sure. For a long time I got mine cut at 'Waves and Curls' which is where my mum went. If anyone at school asked where I got my hair cut (and they often did, as I looked mighty fine), I would lie and mumble something about not knowing what it was called or something and then change the subject. The place was fine - of course - there just came a point when I started to twig that it might be a bit embarrassing getting spotted in there. But! I never succumbed to the popular ultra-shaved spikey look, and for that I am truly grateful.

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