Friday, November 21, 2008

I'll sell you a secret for a song

What will you be doing this evening? Probably not standing outside all night, in a queue, I'd wager. Tomorrow morning, at 8am, sees the sale of the works in this year's RCA Secret exhibition. For those who don't know the event, a load of artists are given a blank postcard and asked to do what they want with it. The majority of these (I think) are this year's RCA graduates, but cards are also produced by big name artists. They all cost the same price to buy, but you don't know whose work it is until you've bought it and taken a look at the back. Hardcore aficionados will try and spot the ones by the big names and then sell them for a big profit.

A couple of years ago we made a rather half-hearted attempt to get a card, arriving at about 10.30am to find a queue snaking its way around the RCA, and for hundreds of metres beyond. This time we're taking it seriously, and debating at what time to get there and hit the queue. Night bus trip and 4am? How about get the last tube and be there by 1am? With this in mind, it's with a certain amount of dread that we've been watching the weather forecast over the last few days, with everyone banging on about imminent sub-zero conditions.

We've spent some time looking at the collection (there are 2700 cards) and making a list of the ones we liked. Neither of us know enough about specific artists to actually try and work out which ones are by Tracey Emin, Grayson Perry etc., we're just looking for ones that we'd be happy to hang on a wall and if they happen to be worth loads, even better.

I'll report back tomorrow with how we got on. Perhaps.

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