Friday, July 24, 2009

'Have you met her new boyfriend? I don't like him. He's really sleazy. You know, a bit Sony Bravia.'

Always eager to help*, I'll often complete surveys/questionnaires, particularly when there's the chance** of a prize for doing so. As a result, I found myself faced with the following heap of ridiculous, meaningless, boardroom brand buzzword bollocks:

I should have put my foot through the monitor and sent Survey Interactive the bill. Instead, I got to thinking about what would be a far more interesting and revealing survey:

* waste time
** no chance


frankien said...

I had a relationship with him. It was all a bit on and off, but if you pressed the right buttons he usually did what you wanted.

Tombola said...

he got married to an aerial, the reception was amazing hohoho

frankien said...

I knew you'd be amused by my rubbish joke.