Monday, September 14, 2009

Sleeping with the enemy

It would have made more sense to do this back in the time when people actually read this blog, but what the heck. In the picture is a pile of NMEs (and a few Melody Maker), pretty much weekly from 1994 - 2000. The picture was taken in my room at my parent's house over the weekend. For several years they've been asking what I'm going to do with them, and I've tended to mumble something vague in reply. It's decision time now though. They can't remain there, and there's not a chance that they will be allowed to make the journey to my new house.

So, any ideas? I'd love to hear them. Options at the moment include: converting them into blocks and burning them , selling them for peanuts on ebay or suchlike, or if I find myself with a huge amount of free time, perhaps grouping them into bundles e.g., 'Oasis', 'Blur', or the other heavyweights from that period of classic British music, 'Campag Velocet', and flogging them for slightly more peanuts to hardcore fans.

Best suggestion wins!

The winner will receive....a massive, disintegrating pile of NMEs! ;o)


cp said...

THROW THEM AWAY!! They give your wife nightmares x

Tombola said...

Congratulations poppet! You win! They're all yours x

frankien said...

Have you tried ebay to see if anyone is looking for a specific issue? Or group of issues?

Tombola said...

not recently no. I did do that ages ago with no joy. will give it another bash.