Friday, September 11, 2009

Wanna be startin' something

You see that blob on the girder*? No? Try harder. It's a black redstart! The photo was taken by yours truly, in the centre of Manchester. Calm down birders, it was taken a few weeks ago. It's another lifer, to follow the dipper. Black redstarts may not be as fun to watch as dippers (and I feel a lot more self-conscious - and possibly endangered - stood in a Manchester back street staring at derelict buildings than by a river) but it's a more exciting spot as - in Britain at least - they're considerably more scarce. Interesting black redstart fact: because they live in derelict buildings, they do particularly well in wartime and periods of recession. Looks like they've departed for the year now.

* Girder en route to Glasgow for use in Irn Bru production

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