Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Hey Dirty, Tombola got ya money


"Attention penny pickers! Tombolablog is launching its own fiscal stimulus!
Over recent years I have developed a bit of a reputation for a nifty knack of spotting money on the street. And I'm not talking about the odd coin, I mean notes, and fairly regularly too. A clinical psychologist once told me that I must be depressed as I found cash as a result of looking down so much. That was during a social occasion and I wasn't paying for the consultation. There's actually a long-forgotten blog detailing my exploits in logging what I found over the course of a year*. So (and I'm sorry for putting this up 3 days late), I'll be totalling up any cash I find over the course of March. Quantitative easing of the pavement. My mum's doing the same and we'll see who has collected the most at the end of the month. And then buy a couple of packs of Space Raiders and a Freddo. If you too are happy to fish 2p coins out of dirty puddles by the side of the road then please join in!"

*I even had a grand plan to write to a paving firm to ask them what materials they use when paving the streets and I was going to link this to the old panto nugget that London is paved with gold etc. But that bastard Time Waster Letters has surely put paid to any innocent stunts like that. Pizza Express never wrote back neither.


Frankie said...

I actually think you're just lucky. I always look at the ground too on account of my dog poo phobia but I've only ever once found a twenty pound note.

Tombola said...

Could be Munch, could be. I certainly don't consider myself depressed!

I do seem to be very lucky when it comes to losing stuff and finding it again as well - on several occasions now I have left wallets, keys, mobile phones and cameras lying around and had them handed in.