Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Squash update: week 2

Squash HQ received this photo yesterday:

How long do squash last? Do they buy a new squash when the current one gets, er, squashed by the force of the closing window? This one has been sat in the sun all day and it was a week ago that I first noticed it (assuming it's the same one).

SquashWatch HQ contacted its vegetable correspondent, CP, to try and shed some light:
"Well...they have quite a tough outer, so I reckon it could last a couple of weeks before going all mushy. And although it is out in the warm air all day, we don't know if it goes into a fridge overnight. Or maybe even a freezer. I'd give it another week and if it's still there then maybe it's a new squash."

Thanks, CP.

Updates to follow as soon as we receive them.


- said...

I know that if squash are preserved correctly then they will last as long as anything made of wood. In ancient times in Japan, travelling types would carry their water and sake in hollowed-out, dried squash, a naturally-occurring yet ergonomically designed water-bottle.

Who needs human factors when we have mother nature?

Lord G said...

Good point Ak.

Tom - I'm a bit disturbed by this common reference to Corporal Punishment. I didn't know you were into that kinky shit.

Moon said...

It looks like a happy little butternut squash, peeking out of the window, enjoying the warm sun on its face... Hang on, it's a vegetable! And an extremely phallic one at that. Might start up a squash appreciation society*. They are ace - they taste good, they prop open windows, and a display of them in Tescos will, without fail, make me giggle.

*I have no actual intentions of setting up a squash appreciation society.