Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Voice of the bee-jive

Whisper it, but I’m really starting to enjoy this! Over the course of four weeks, the rhythm has broken through my wizened, cynical exterior and jive has entered my soul. Heading down Kennington Road to the bus stop, I was actually bopping in the street. This continued back home and into the kitchen while I stirred my soup. It was like being in a musical!

While last week I began quite nervously, I felt into it from the opening steps tonight. The men were back to being outnumbered by the women again this week so there was no more having to practice alone while waiting your turn with a partner. Starting in a close hold, we added a ‘rock step’ into the forward/backward steps from last week. After three of these, it was left hand up for an overhead turn, followed by an immediate return and back into the good old bouncey hands. Four more of these, flat hand push turn and return. Then a new swish bit: as the lady completes her return, the gent immediately does a turn to the left with the lady’s hand guiding him around. Upon completion, it’s left hand up for an over hand turn and catching into a close hold. And then away with the forward/backward/rock steps. Simple, eh? It looks fairly nifty, and tonight, I had the boogie in me.

One week remaining then. The music will play on longer next week – til 10pm – and we can invite friends etc. to come along and check out our newly-learned moves. Anyone? Beginners Level Two begins June 6 for another five weeks. My quiz-mates may not be too amused (“I’ll be back in five weeks, promise!”) but there’s a strong possibility that I’ll be taking my skills to the next level.

Before all that though, it’s Hula Boogie on Sunday night. There’s a top Parisian jive DJ playing and it’s an opportunity to showcase my steps. The major flaw in this plan though is the lack of a partner. Turning up to the class alone is one thing, but it might be more awkward sans partner on a club night. Wonder if I can persuade CP to miss her train…


Moon said...

How do you do "good ole" bouncey hands? I imagine that to be a "step" you can do sat down. Like a lazy hand jive, but as if you're gesticulating that conversation's got a bit noisy and out of hand. Followed that with a swift turn and return, more bouncey hands, stepping on instructor's toe, getting a quick beer in with new found jive buddies, another turn and return followed by a swift return, bouncey hands then slide across the floor doing the splits whilst madly waving jazz hands to finish. The trick is bouncing at same time. Look at me - and I've never even been to a class!!

Pleased to hear you'll be continuing the new found hobby, son. You go, girl!

Lord G said...

I didn't realise that Dita Von Teese had lost weight and was now doing jive.

Tombola said...

I don't know who Dita Vo Teese is. Sorry.

Bouncey hands is very simple Moon and I'll demonstrate when next we meet. I think you may think it's a solo move though - it's not. You are gently holding partner's hands. Maybe 'bouncey arms' would have been more accurate.

frankien said...

Jive Bunny- Dita Von Teese is married to Marilyn Manson I think. she is often described as a burlesque performer, and is famous in the US. However, she always seems to appear in Elle magazine, thats why I've heard of her. she does look rather like the woman in the pic, but I must say, she's always been slim.

Lord G said...

She is all those things Frankie, well done. She IS a burlesque performer, though she does a range of other things now too, which is probably helped by the fact that her fame has increased.