Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Smack my bitch up

I was in Paris over the weekend. Sure, the boulevards were nice, the Eiffel Tower stunning, l'Arc de Triomphe awesome. I might get around to putting up a picture or two. I think you'll agree though, the highlight had to be getting my mitts on these bad boys:

Admire the way that the photo makes them look almost as if they have beamed down from Heaven.
I've got a strange fascination with Smacks. As far as I'm aware, you can't get them in England (though I must confess my efforts couldn't really be described as exhaustive) but I remember eating them on European holidays as a kid. Last year in Australia & New Zealand I spent a lot of time nosing around the cereal aisle of various supermarkets and grocery stores. No joy. Happily though, the first supermarche I tried in Paris came up trumps. Hoorah! And best of all, they still taste good.
By the way, I've just learned that the Smacks frog is called 'Dig 'em'.


Moon said...

I remember talk of these whilst in Sydney... But they look like soggy wheatey beans (stop those thoughts right now...). A texture not dissimilar to Chipsticks. Of the cereal world. Are they flavoursome? Or just funny due to being called, "Smacks"?!

Btw Eggheads is back on. You must let us know when to tune in. I might watch it on the big screen of G17. Speaking of which, I've had to download The Science of Sleep because Leeds refuses to show it at any cinema, so I'm planning a private (lone) airing in G17 of that. Is that wrong? And sad?! Less sad than watching it on my laptop, perhaps.

Tombola said...

Yes, I do know that Smacks are probably just the same as Sugar Puffs.