Sunday, June 10, 2007

How does your garden grow?

Have I mentioned that I've been doing a spot of gardening recently?

The sunflowers are now heading towards the magical 1m mark:

Seen as none of my fellow growers have reported their progress recently, I can only assume that the Brixton sunflowers are zooming towards undisputed victory.

The runner beans have been just as successful:

They are now taller than me.


Tombola said...

The orange flowers belong to a different plant entirely. One that was already in the garden too, so I can't claim any credit for it.

Moon said...

What a fantastic hat! That is quite a looks. I have to admit that I'm a little bitter about how well your plants are doing. Mine are currently trying to defend off an infestation of millions of blackflies (unsuccessfully). So unfair!

Moon said...


Tombola said...

Ha, thanks Moon! That hat might make another appearance on here in the next week or so....I should say that most of mine are blackfly riddled too. I've gone chemical warfare (sorry) and been spraying but it's not really done much. I want ladybirds!