Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The television will not be revolutionised

Way back at the start of the year, the I Knit London heroes took on the combined brain might of the Eggheads. Click here and move down to the 2nd item if you want to read the small piece from February

Now, you too can enjoy the titanic struggle that ensued. That's right, the televisual event of the year is happening on Friday August 31, 6pm, BBC 2. Be there, or be C J De Mooi.

Laugh! at Dermot's clumsy knitting-based puns!

Gasp! at my heavily made-up face!

Be awed! by the knitting/general knowledge prowess on display!

If you look closely you might even see me winking flirtatiously at Judith Keppel.


frankien said...

you look like a bunch of knit-wits.

Tombola said...

Will Dermot use that same pun???

Tune in on Friday to find out!

Christophe Lamby-Pie said...

Unlucky mate.

Thought you had some very tough questions compared to your troll-like opponent.

I must ask... do they insist that you to have a little ramble before giving your answer? Yours was OK, but I do find it a little annoying when some bint waffles on for 2 minutes about the reasons she thinks Madrid is the capital of Spain.

If you ever need a new team-mate, I am available to win cash prizes.

I don't knit though :-(

Well done anyway though mate.

frankien said...

Arguably, nor does Tom knit.

Christophe Lamby-Pie said...


I thought that Geneva Convention question was scarily easy.

I'm not an expert on world history by a long chalk, but what other conventions are there that relate to the treatment of enemy soldiers?!

Thise 2 must have been kicking themselves.

Tombola said...

Cheers mate!

Yes, they do encourage you to crap on about why you think your answer is correct. Funnily enough, I initially vowed not to do this - just give my answer and speed it up. But I kind of got brainwashed - at the audition and then watching endless repeats in the Green Room (ha, get me) I just ended up doing it. Much to my own disgust.

As for Geneva Convention...I don't know if I would have got that or not to be honest. At the time I *think* that came to mind, but I certainly wasn't certain. It's all very different when the pressure is on and you're not sat watching on your bean bag etc etc ;o)

Tombola said...

And don't be shy Chris, pick up those needles! Maybe I'll get you some for your birthday.

Gerard said...

Well, if I may - if the question had been 'what convention' we would've got it!

Yours, not kicking oneself, Craig

Christophe Lamby-Pie said...

Oooh, raw nerve!

Seriously though, I know it's easy to answer questions from the comfort of my swivel chair.

I know when the lights and cameras are on you, it's a different story. And sometimes, you just don't know 'em.

I respect the effort, I knit london, tombola etc. Well played.