Thursday, June 19, 2008

Free Barry Bulsara (with 10 ring pulls)

Tombolablog is a recent convert to the sharing world of Freecycle. I signed up as I was about to bin an old wheelie trolley bag but instead of chucking it in the canal or something*, I offered it on Freecycle and someone else found a home for it. I've been amazed by just how much is on offer though: had I needed to, I could have kitted out a house within a month. Seriously, among loads of other things, in my local area alone has been offered: beds (single, double, futon), cookers, fridge freezers, shelving units, DVD players, videos, books, clothes, vacuum cleaners...someone recently asked if anyone had a geopathic stress neutraliser going spare. Well, anyone? I'm still trying to get my hands on a lolly making set - somebody must have beaten me to that. You'd never need buy anything again. The highlight so far though, has to be this offer of boy's underpants:

"They are in very good condition as my son was actually too big for them and only wore them a few times. They are clean (no skid marks) and have been washed."

Aren't similar items available from Japanese vending machines?

* of course not


Moon said...

Yes it's ace! You picked anything up yet then? I'm also after a lolly making set. I might buy one though. Want some tasty iced juices this Summer. Will there be a summer by the way?

Moon said...

PS Munch and I saw a pushchair in the canal whilst Moonwalk training. It wasn't there when we first went by. A real sinister sight. Saw a number of sinister sights on that walk, actually.