Sunday, June 15, 2008

How do you like them apples?




Runner beans!


Moon said...

I like dem apples. And the thing seemingly growing in with the peppers. Is it a pink cane?! Like the tomato pots too. Most impressive Prof. Looks like you're well on your way to five a day. I over watered my garlic and it rotted. I always kill things. Just not sure what I do wrong all the time! Doing well with the herbs planted by my sister though. And the bonsai's just about still with me!

Tombola said...

Pink cane: not quite. It's actually a shiny windmill to try and discourage birds from pecking at our crops. There's one next to the runners too. Scrimping alert: I managed to haggle at the pound shop and get 2 for a pound as they were both a bit broken. Our bonsai was doing well but looking a bit peaky at the moment unfortunately.

Bum! Just realised that I've not planted any sunflower seeds this year. Might be too late now. Bah!

Munch: any garden updates from you?