Tuesday, August 15, 2006


This week is shaping up to be LookyLikey week here at Tombolablog HQ. We've already had Ms Newman doing her sad ipod impression and later in the week there should be something pretty special appearing here. At this point I should acknowledge my sponsor: this week's lookalikes are brought to you in conjunction with a black JB:


Moon said...

He's got a bit of a pout on.

Good work. But that must have been a post-photo discovery, as no-one's eyes can focus that well. What were you actually taking a photo of?

Tombola said...

It was a couple of years ago, in Chapeltown so memory isn't the best, but I'm pretty sure he was spotted with mine own eyes. I then had to take some surreptitious photos to use as proof of the sighting. I eat a lot of carrots.

Tombola said...

Around the same time I also spotted a female Lowley on a train back from London. Mmm! Delightful! I got a pic of her on my phone but that's now long gone I think.

Tombola said...

Someone needs to find a pic of Pascal Sheeran in full Nick Almond mode - we can build an alternative Psychology universe.

Lord G said...

Ha the latter one IS funny..... Does Almond also wear turtle-neck sweaters? I'm sure there's a Viz character that can suffice for PS.

frankien said...

I remember the female Lowley! she caught you taking the photo

Tombola said...

yeah....sort of. She looked at me. But she didn't actually do anything and I think I got away with it. She was too busy consoling some mad pissed bird she got on the train with and was bibbing all over her. A group of them had been to a beer festival and one had got a bit emotional.

Lord G said...

Did you give the pic of the female lowley 'the treatment' bola?

I bet you did, sick puppy.