Friday, February 29, 2008

Celebrity washing lines

Now there's an idea for a celebrity panel show...

Last night, something else struck me about that B*Witched washing line*.

Do you think that towel was white when it entered the washer?

* It more than likely isn't really B*witched's washing line

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

B-I-N-G-O, and Bingo was his name-o

Munch has recently spotted some examples of BBC news correspondents having names that fit the story they are reporting on e.g. Jonah Fisher, the BBC's whaling correspondent or how about Mark Avery, bird behaviour expert?

Well, now I can contribute one of my own. Here's the contents of an email I received earlier today:

Gender Reassignment Surgery

Approximately 300 'sex-change' operations are carried out in the UK every year. Half of these are performed within the NHS. What does this type of surgery involve? And is NHS funding justified given the monetary limitations we face?

Lead NHS Gender Reassignment Surgeon, Mr James Bellringer, Charing Cross Hospital, performs approximately 100 procedures a year. He discusses the complex nature of his work, both surgical and psychological. Come along to hear what should prove to be a very interesting talk and discussion.

All welcome.

Friday, February 22, 2008

She always, always eats her greens...

Picked this up in a charity shop last week:

3 for a quid, including the White Town 'Your woman' single. It's now 1996/7 every night in my house.

Without cheating, can anyone* tell me what the 12 reasons were on Jake Shillingford's off the cuff, shopping list of love?

* I say 'anyone', but really it's only going to be Munch isn't it?

Yo, Moon!

Oh my!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Where are they now? #356

Late 90's pop poppets B*Witched can now be found keeping a very low profile in the tiny North Yorkshire coastal village of Staithes. Washing day appears to be Saturday.

Some people say I look like my dad...

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Why was I Great Uncle Bulgaria? I really should have been Tomsk!

It's the story you couldn't make up....I've briefly mentioned on here the time when three of us got a bit of a shoeing while minding our own business, dressed as wombles, and anyone who knows me will no doubt have heard the tale several times. I nearly got to tell the nation when I used it as the 'amusing' story about myself when auditioning for Eggheads, but Dermot decided against asking me about that and enquired about my knitting education instead. Fans of our justice system will be saddened to learn that the miscreants involved remain free and nobody has ever been arrested in connection with the case. But perhaps all of that could now change, as new evidence has recently come to light. A routine inspection of the files has revealed unseen footage from that day in April 2003. If anyone can help, feel free to contact West Yorkshire Police*.

* and while you're at it, why not politely ask them why they miserably ignored my written request to obtain from their archives a copy of the statement that I made at the time?

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Altogether now, one last time: Der-ner doww doww!

Some sad news I've just spotted that links to yesterday's entry. I might have to make a pilgrimage up to the Central Line stop later on to lay a wreath.

Anyone got a fave GH moment? Danny Kendall kicking the bucket would be the most memorable for most of our generation I'd guess. Or maybe Zammo and the whole 'Just say no!' thing. I was a fan of Ziggy the scouser and Gonch the ginger and the various scrapes that they would get into, often ending up being chased by Mauler McCall in his American football gear. There's a street two along from mine called Bronson Road that always raises a smile. Stream-of-consciousness trivia time: I think that actor holds some kind of record for playing Adolf Hitler on film.

Still, it'll probably come back in a few years time, like Coco Pops, or Wispas. Actually, have Wispas gone again? I was really chuffed when they came back and now I can't find them anymore. Rubbish.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

It takes a nation of tossers

That reminds me, I wonder if I can track down the clip like this from Grange Hill where a teacher (Mr Parrott?) says "Get a move on, get a move on, get a m-m-m-m-m-move on".

[It's worth sticking with the clip until the end as well, and not just until the end of the song]

Monday, February 04, 2008


Remember that smarmy, smug-faced buffoon from the Underground poster? Well I'm sorry to bring the horror back all over again, but there is more that needs saying. CP and I were faced with the hateful ad over the weekend and while scowling at it, we took a moment to actually read the text. It's disgraceful!


It's lucky that he's thick as well as being a conceited, aloof love-rat. Once his wife spots the ad he's screwed. It may well be a short journey from long face to giant smile, but it's a not particularly long trip from smug face to Decree Nisi either Chris! Ha!

And with that I'm going to stop giving free advertisements to a company with zero morals and shocking taste in promotional material design.

Friday, February 01, 2008

How to lose friends and alienate people

Crikey, maybe I should have stayed away. Yesterday afternoon I was beginning to feel like a Danish cartoonist. Tombolablog wishes to emphasise that it does not support or endorse the bloodletting of anyone (particularly good friends), for the purposes of making them halal, or otherwise. And all of that before my parents read the one about self-abuse...

Let's move on. I finished my scarf!

I actually finished it back in October, meaning it was 'on the needles' for a shameful 21 months. Thanks to everyone who contributed to it's blue and white ribbed majesty - several mistakes were corrected by (in no particular order) Sue, Vanessa, Craig and Gerard. The next project is a hat for CP (using wool given to me by Moon - thanks). I started that one at Christmas and despite slow progress so far, I have high hopes of moving more swiftly this time. That really shouldn't be too difficult, but the Wii now provides an extra hurdle to overcome. Hey - there should be a Wii knitting game! Wiiknit London!