Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Altogether now, one last time: Der-ner doww doww!

Some sad news I've just spotted that links to yesterday's entry. I might have to make a pilgrimage up to the Central Line stop later on to lay a wreath.

Anyone got a fave GH moment? Danny Kendall kicking the bucket would be the most memorable for most of our generation I'd guess. Or maybe Zammo and the whole 'Just say no!' thing. I was a fan of Ziggy the scouser and Gonch the ginger and the various scrapes that they would get into, often ending up being chased by Mauler McCall in his American football gear. There's a street two along from mine called Bronson Road that always raises a smile. Stream-of-consciousness trivia time: I think that actor holds some kind of record for playing Adolf Hitler on film.

Still, it'll probably come back in a few years time, like Coco Pops, or Wispas. Actually, have Wispas gone again? I was really chuffed when they came back and now I can't find them anymore. Rubbish.


Moon said...

You can still get Wispas in my local shop. Mind you, I don't think they ever fully disappeared from there. Perhaps I should start checking the best before dates...

PS I think it's more, "der-ner nyer nyer...". Sounds a bit west yorks, actually.

Tombola said...

Yeah, I wasn't convinced that I'd nailed that one. Toby would have been good at putting it phonetically I think, he used to shout that out at least once a day when we shared an office.