Friday, February 03, 2006

oops...missed a line from the last one

Like white turds & hairy caterpillars, tombolas seem to be a feature of childhood that I just don't see any more.

Memo to self: go to more fetes. Wonder when the next one in Brixton is....

1 comment:

- said...

White turds???

In the pan or in the street or... where exactly did you see white turds?

The only time I've heard of someone having a white turd was when my old housemate Hickers took worming tablets and, on seeing the colour of the dead white (but dead) little critters, compressed into a turdiform object when leaving his rectum, was almost sick. Now unless you also had the same experience I can't imagine, Mr. Tombola, when you might have seen a white turd.

Unless you mean a bird turd, but people tend not to call them turds in these parts.

Yours sincerely,
The Turd Gurgler