Monday, February 13, 2006

Tonight, Cat, I'm going to be.....

Cracking weekend, the Megabus providing the bread that surrounded my Leeds fun sandwich.

Maybe it's a Monday thing, maybe the initial rush is beginning to wear off, but I'm struggling to think of things to put up here now. Whereas last week EVERYTHING was a potential blog piece, now nothing is. Perhaps I should ask Ak how to keep the thrill in a long-term blog relationship.

The title refers to a thought that struck me while watching TV on Saturday evening:
are contestants on 'Stars in Their Eyes Kids' allowed to appear as Gary Glitter?

1 comment:

- said...

The secret to a long-term blogging relationship is like the secret to a real-life relationship (if you're a really really bad boyfriend)... You must have many blogs that service your various blogging needs... for instance, having a football-related blog, a work blog and a fun blog means that none of them really go stale... you always want to be on the other two blogs whenever you post on the one you're on.

On the down-side you never really feel like you're doing justice to any one blog because you are having to spread yourself so thinly. Long absences make you look like a bad blogger but maybe that's the price to pay for keeping your blogging interest high enough to want to keep posting.