Tuesday, April 04, 2006

It's just the jive talkin'

Right, head above parapet time: I've just enrolled onto a Beginners jive dancing course.

Go on, laugh away. Have your fun. But you'll be smirking on the other side of your face once I've perfected my 1950s spins.

Like a London reservoir, things seem to be drying up a bit on here don't they?. So once lessons begin on the 25th April, I shall add a weekly update of my foot-tapping progress.

The classes take place at the really rather ace South London Pacific club in Kennington (www.southlondonpacific.com), and are linked to their 'Hula Boogie' club night.


frankien said...

Were you inspired by the BBC series 'strictly dance fever' (or whatever its called)?
My PE teacher spoke jive.

frankien said...
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Tombola said...

I wasn't Munch, but if I discover a natural aptitude then who knows?

Was your PE teacher the guy off the Drifter advert? Yo gimme skin little bro!

frankien said...

No, it was a lady called Mrs Chester. but she was rather manly and I called her Mr C (kids nowadays wouldnt know who Mr C was). she did talk jive though

Tombola said...

Wouldn't ver kids think that Mr. C was that bald knobhead from off of Hollyoaks who could only speak IN SHOUTS

Lord G said...

Tom... Mr C off Hollyoaks was a fine actor. Wasn't Mr C also in the Shamen?

I also know someone from Hollyoaks. I'm pleased to announce that she got rid of her tash before she was on screen. I don't like her.

Tom (again) - Jive? Being down south is getting to you son.

Tombola said...

G Lord. I know someone from off of Hollyoaks too. He's in Emmerdale now. Which lass do you know?

Don't dispute the power of the jive my friend.