Tuesday, April 25, 2006

What can I weight these important papers down with? Ah yes, a Cornish pasty!

I've just nipped out for some crisps (today: McCoy's Specials Thai Sweet Chicken) and seen something pretty odd. Holding open a window in one of the KCL buildings across from mine was a squash. You know, one of those pale brown slightly phallic vegetables. I think they're called squash. Used to prop up a window. I took a photo:

[Yeah alright Eagle Eye Cherry, I didn't have my camera on me. I took a pic on my phone but don't know how to put that up.]

How did this happen? Did someone go to the Sainsbury's Local purely to find a suitable window prop? Or were they feeling a bit stuffy in the office this morning? "This bloody window won't stay open...any books in here....does anyone have something I can wedge the window with?" "Here you go Nigel, use this squash".

Can anyone top this? Have you used something odd to hold open a window? Perhaps you made an omelette to use under a table with a wobbly leg? Or a wedge of cake as a door stop?

1 comment:

frankien said...

I have not used anything unusual with which to prop open a door. But I can confirm that your photograph depicts a butternut squash. I liked the reference to eagle eye cherry. I was thinking of him the other day, about how his proud father had looked down upon the face of his newborn son and declared 'eagle eye he is, and so he shall be called'.