Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Mr Beans

Yeah yeah. Someone else would have said it if I hadn't.

On Wednesday morning I knew I had to get a move on and do something with those beans. So here's my handy step-by-step guide to a fun Wednesday evening.

1. Choose a patch of garden that gets plenty of sunshine.

2. Carry a heavy grow bag home from New Cross, possibly doing yourself an injury. Position in the spot chosen in #1.

3. Buy a pack of 7ft bamboo canes and have fun taking them home on the bus from Camberwell [gardener's note - this wasn't done in the same journey as the grow bag. Only Dr. Octopus or that 4-armed Goro dude from Mortal Kombat could manage that]. Push 5 of the canes down into the soil between the wall and the grow bag.

4. Attach wire to the top of each cane and tie the other end around a brick, or around a nail that can then be smacked into the ground. Doesn't come out too well on photos that, but do it anyway.

5. Rather unnecessarily, use your landlady's stanley knife to cut 10 holes in the top of the bag - one for each plant. Realise that you've got the knife full of soil. Plant your indoor-reared runner bean plants in two rows of 5, so that each is next to either a cane or wire.

6. Water and surround with what is probably way too many slug pellets. Spend some time trying to bend the plants around the wire/cane. Snap a leaf off by accident. Curse. Stand back and admire your handiwork.


Tombola said...

A tragic sight this morning readers - one of the bean plants has been seriously wounded (back row, 2nd from left). The top 2 inches has snapped off and I have no idea how. :( Fortunately, a new one in the nursery popped out this morning so it could soon be promoted and step in as a sub.

Tombola said...

Oh man! Another morning, another loss! What's going on? This time (front row, centre) virtually the entire plant has gone. Broken off about 1cm above the soil, the top bit lying next to it and the middle stem bit nowhere to be seen! Am I being stalked? I'd smirk at that pun if I wasn't so worried.

Oh yeah, in other news: one of our snap traps finally did what it was bought for, several months on. We pinged a mouse.

Moon said...

(Moon wipes away a tear for the mouse.) Sorry, Prof. What's going on? Are they being blown down? Do you ever find rogue footballs in your garden or anything?

Tombola said...

Don't cry for the mouse Moon, it had several weeks/months of fun crapping all over my kitchen.

It can't be wind. The 1st one maybe, but the 2nd one I would be amazed if it was. And stray balls are unlikely as the beans are in a very sheltered spot behind a wall. Fingers crossed that we make it through tonight with no further casualties....

Moon said...

Any more casualities over the weekend?