Monday, March 20, 2006

Every little helps....give you a hernia

Went to Tesco earlier to get a few things. Probably because I was using a trolley instead of a basket, I began to overestimate how much I would be able to carry home with me. “ ‘Buy 4 tins of tomatoes, get 4 free’? Having some of that! 3kg value bag of pasta? Yes please! 1kg box of Corn Flakes? Makes financial sense! 3 litres of fruit juice for the price of 2? I’d be a fool to say no! Etc!”

I staggered about 100m from the store and realised that this was going to be a painful walk home. It was. I had to stop at regular intervals to readjust the bags/allow the blood to return my fingertips. As I staggered along I realised that I was actually grimacing while I walked. My mind wandered to seeing those events on ‘The World’s Strongest Man’ where Scandinavians carry barrels of concrete while pulling trucks uphill with their teeth.


Moon said...

I can empathise here my love. Big time. Fantastic artistry. Or is it a truly accurate depiction of arm length?

Tombola said...

It's a natural consequence of living in the urban jungle x

frankien said...

i had to carry my shopping bags up the hill from morrisons in kirkstall. I struggled enough to walk up that hill anyway, without having heavy bags to carry. which is why cars were invented- entirely so that you can buy more than one can at a time when shopping. however, maybe a car wouldnt have helped in this instance- I remember seeing this poor old lady trying to get her metro up the hill and it kept stalling on her.

Lord G said...

The amusing thing is, i've only just noticed the arm length on there. What a pleb I am.

Tombola said...

Hahaha! Idiot!

frankien said...

go go gadget arms.