Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Neighbourhood Watch

At the weekend Hackin & I had a walk down Electric Avenue. But this entry is not about Eddy Grant, nor the history of street lighting in Britain. No, the focus here is a poster that we came across next to the shops. Here it is:

Apologies for the poor quality but, for several reasons, I felt very uncomfortable taking that picture and wanted to get it done as quickly as possible. In case you can’t make out the text, it reads: “Beware he has AIDS. He will charm you”.

I’m writing this a few hours after taking that and am still uneasy about whether I should be doing this. I started tombolablog by accident, have never had any real aim or focus with it, and I’m still not sure what the point is. But one overriding factor has been to record things that I see and do that strike me in some way. In the majority of cases this will be something that makes me laugh, or something that I can turn into a joke. This poster stopped me in my tracks on Saturday, and I guess that’s why I’ve included it.

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