Thursday, March 16, 2006

When blogs attack

Last night a pivotal moment was reached.

I dreamed about blogging. In the wider scheme of things I suppose there are far more worrying things to dream about and some harmless internet diary is not particularly noteworthy. But for me it was interesting as it marks the point that blogging has invaded my persona to the extent that it crops up in my unconscious thoughts. Perhaps Moon can provide some insight into this.

For those who wish to analyse these things (and I don't. I've only ever really paid much attention to one dream - a really vivid one where all my teeth fell out. It was horrible. I was walking along a corridor in the Leeds Psychology dept and my teeth started to just drop out. First one, then another, then loads of them. Neil King was on hand to help me down the corridor for assistance. Upon waking, I moved my tongue around my mouth and remember thinking 'Yes! Still got my teeth!' Thinking about it now brings back the unpleasant sensations it triggered. Shudder. And by that I mean the teeth thing, not dreaming about Neil King.) Where was I? Oh yeah, for those who wish to analyse these things, here is what I can remember about it:

I was on my computer and stumbled across another Akira blog. It wasn't his main one, it was a whole new one that he hadn't told me about (not sure how I found it). It was more of a website than a typical blog actually, and had a big picture on the main page. I think the picture was of a desert island or something. In the middle of the page it said 'green issues' (or something like that). There were 4 posts in total. The name of the site was the most interesting: I think it was I think Ak was using this site for gleeful messages. I remember being disgruntled that Ak had kept this one a secret. But that's about it.

There was other stuff in the dream too: CP was doing some decorating and for some reason needed to buy me some new shoes as part of the decoration project. They were black and there was some wire frame involved with them for some reason. I didn't like them much but felt awkward about telling her as she was paying for them.

Hmmm. That's all I can remember. Work that one out Sigmund. I'm not going to make a habit of writing dreams down here - that's one of the aims of Moon's blog (although there's yet to be any evidence of that ;o) )

Stuff to follow when I get around to it: Brixton windmill, celebrity sightings, other stuff that's a secret.


Tombola said...

I know I said that I had no intention of turning this blog into a dream diary and I really haven’t. But, well, it’s been a while since anything new came up on here so what the hell. A few days ago I dreamt about Jordan. I know what you’re thinking, but you’re wrong. Unfairly for dreams, the events that unfolded were probably pretty true to life. Jordan/Katie Price/whatever bullied me [Actually, why is Jordan called Jordan?]. For some reason, Jordan decided that I would stand at the front of a room wearing some kind of negligee thing. Jordan was very bossy and made me do it. She was unpleasant and I didn’t like her. Peter Andre was probably stood at the back of the room somewhere, not saying much. At one point, Jordan came up to me and I had to reach out for something behind her. No matter how hard I tried not to, there was no way that I could avoid touching the side of her boob, because, let’s face it, they’re massive. And that’s pretty much all I can remember. I know, I know, a complete waste of a dream. If you’re going to have a dream with Jordan in there then it should at least be a fun one. But no, apparently my subconscious doesn’t work like that: I get to be humiliated instead. Nice one.

Moon said...

A serious comment:

Teeth falling out is common dream. And awful - I know. Ah the relief upon waking when you can feel they're all there. Many interpretations, including losing friends, becoming wealthy (a personal favourite)... However it's most likely that you're just grinding your teeth in the night.

As for blogging... This can reflect one of 2 contradictory things. Firstly, you may perceive blogs to be the honest diary tool that they were created to be. Thus, your friends not revealing their tales and thoughts to you would be unnerving, and produces typical dream material. Alternatively, you see blogs as a public profile so important that you are always considering how other people will see you. Ooh get me, I could write for that magazine, "Psychologies" (i.e. horoscopes etc).

Not sure about the shoes.

Jordan, though - ha! Some men embrace their attractions to tarts like her, others try to repress them. Freud would call your response one of reaction formation.

Anyway, dream doctor advises you not to over analyse this material. Once you start remembering your dreams you get in the habit of thinking they're all important. You're consolidating what's self important and what isn't. I'm not sure the Jordan one's crucial. But the shoes are a conundrum... I'll work on it.

Moon. x

frankien said...

my understanding of teeth dreams was that they mean you are growing up. well done tom, it marks the end of a struggle through puberty

Lord G said...

Ok Em, but with Tom's Linekar-like hair, shouldn't he be getting measured up for falsies now? (I mean teeth, rather than Jordan's falsies; they really wouldn't suit Willis).