Thursday, May 24, 2007

Savage garden

I'm off to Riga this weekend. Woo hoo! According to the Beeb website, this is what the weather will be like:

Alright! For those viewing in black and white, that says SUN and HOT. Better pack the Factor 24. Talking of sun, here's a quick update on the Brixton cottage garden.

A rogue slug broke through my pellet defences this week and chomped on a sunflower. Boo!

Senior's slender frame wasn't strong enough in the wind and he bent over. A big ugly kink in his stem. That's why he's now attached to a big plank splint thing. He remains very tall, but his situation is considered critical. Boo!

Runner beans continue their rapid and impressive growth, winding ever upwards up my canes and wires. Woo!

Back to the sunflower competition and the twins are leading the way for us. This bad boy is now about 48cm tall. Go on son!


Tim said...

Just tuned in to your blog for the first time in a while. Must say it's reassuring to find that it's still as gay as ever.

Tombola said...

Excellent! All for you Jonze, all for you.... Good to hear from you man! Is your blog being reawakened any time soon?

Chrissy Balls said...

Willis! Get on the table!

Hiya! I just read your blog for the first time ever too. I was reassured by all the talk of Mr Bean. Ah, great days.
I must say though, I find the Damon Hill comparison more appropriate as the years press on.
Pip pip. Boyley Bobs x

Tombola said...

Blues Baby B!

Oh my! Great to hear from you boss. I guess you got hold of this through my sister, whom it seems you are attempting to groom over the internet.

Tried texting you earlier - you still on the same number? We should hook up son.