Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Four-pen durch technik

Something’s got to give. Saturday morning, 5am, another pigeon alarm call. The bars are preventing them eating the food but the screws aren’t having the desired effect. Two pigeons are regularly sat on the feeder roof, still attempting to gorge on the yummy seeds contained beneath. I admire their perseverance, but also want to kill them. There appear to be two solutions:

1. make further modifications and try and stop them sitting on the feeder top. If they can’t do that and also can’t get to the food, hopefully they’ll piss off and let me sleep.
2. admit defeat, remove the feeder from my window and put it on the kitchen window instead. This won’t solve the problem of the pigeons eating all my food but it will end the relentless cacophony outside my window every morning.

For the time being I take option 1. I foolishly believe that I can conquer nature. The screws I used clearly aren’t big enough, I need bigger, taller spikes so that it’s impossible for pigeons to land on the feeder top. But what can I use? More scrabbling about in the kitchen (trying to find 12 inch nails – the idea of a spike now appeals to me in my vengeful, sleep-deprived state) and I come across a stash of old biros. Most of them seem to be those free ones you get with mailouts from the RSPCA etc. I take four of these, remove the ink bit and tape these to the top of the feeder. Come on then pigeons – I’ve raised the stakes. Seconds out…Round 2!


frankien said...

Tom, I think youve gone a bit far. I feel for the poor pigeons- why are they less entitled to eat than the other birds?? now your feeder resembles the millennium dome.

Tombola said...

i was thinking about this the other day. I read about pigeons aka 'rock doves' in my Birds Britannica and it described how maligned and picked on the humble pigeon is. However, my reasoning for the bird feeder ban is this: they will eat pretty much anything - thrown away food off the road etc. Blue tits, however, will not. So pigeons have plenty of other options that my smaller feathered friends don't. Secondly, blue tits and robins don't wake me up EVERY BASTARD MORNING AT 5am. Capiche?